Çerez Örnek
International Symposium on the Kurmandjan Datka and the Heroines

The Faculty of the Arts at the Manas University (Bishkek) and the Institute for the Turkic World Studies at the Ege University (Izmir) organize a joint international symposium with the title “Kurmandjan Datka and the Heroines” in Izmir on December 10th, 2021. The conference is about the Kyrgyz national heroine Kurmandjan Datka, but we wish the proceedings to contain comparative views, by including both historical and legendary/mythological heroines. It would be more illuminating to understand the theme. We may offer these preliminary titles as a framework:

1. Kurmandjan Datka as a Kyrgyz political leader,

2. Kurmandjan Datka and the typology of heroin from mythology to history

3. Political role of the women under the Turkistan khanates (Carkınayım, Nadirabegim, Sonayım, Zıynat Datka etc.),

4. Role of the women in the social and political life during the Turkistan khanates and Ottoman Empire,

5. Sources and studies about political activities of women during the Turkistan khanates and concerning approaches in historiography.

The conference will be held preferably vis-à-vis, in accordance with positive developments in the pandemic process, however there will be possibilities for online presentation in any case for those participants that may not want to come. All sessions will be broadcasted on our YouTube channel. Accommodations in Izmir will be covered by the Ege University and we will try to find possibilities to pay also for the transportation expenses. If the pandemic process does not permit such a meeting, then all sessions will be held online and broadcasted simultaneously. In the case that we receive all of the papers before and during the conference, then the proceedings book will be published within the year 2021.

The deadline for sending titles and abstracts is October 31st, 2021. We invite you to participate this meaningful meeting about this prominent Kyrgyz heroine and thus about the heroines in general. Titles can be sent to below addresses.

Ceenbek Alymbaev: jeenbek.alymbaev@manas.edu.kg

Osman Karatay: karatay.osman@gmail.com


Onur Kurulu / The Honorary Committee

Prof. Dr. Alparslan Ceylan (Manas Üniversitesi Rektörü)

Prof. Dr. Necdet Budak (Ege Üniversitesi Rektörü)

Prof. Dr. Anvarbek Mokeev (Manas Üniversitesi Rektör Yard.)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Beşe (Manas Ün. Edebiyat Fakültesi Dekanı)

Prof. Dr. Nadim Macit (Ege Ün. Türk Dün. Arş. Ens. Müdürü)


Bilim Kurulu / The Scientific Commitee

Prof. Dr. Ercan Alkaya (Elazığ, Türkiye)

Prof. Dr. Ceenbek Alymbaev (Bişkek, Kırgızistan)

Prof. Dr. Flora Seyfullina (Kazan, Tataristan/Rusya)

Prof. Dr. Gulbanu S. Cugenbaeva (Almatı, Kazakistan)

Prof. Dr. Sanobar Şadmanova (Taşkent, Özbekistan)

Doç.Dr. Alpaslan Aşık (Bişkek, Kırgızistan)

Doç. Dr. Ekrem Ayan (Muğla, Türkiye)

Doç.Dr. Nezahat Ceylan (Bişkek, Kırgızistan)

Doç.Dr. Oktay Özgül (Bişkek, Kırgızistan)

Dr. Roza Abdıkulova (Bişkek, Kırgızistan)

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail Kallimci (Muğla, Türkiye)


Düzenleme Kurulu / The Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Ceenbek Alymbaev

Prof. Dr. Osman Karatay

Araş. Gör. Gülnaz Askarbek

Araş. Gör. Ali Balcı



Ege Üniversitesi